
Friday, February 8, 2013

Piranha, the Deadliest Fish in Amazon River

The piranha is one of the most deadliest fishes in the world. They are carnivore and they love to eat meat, and their love with meat make them more dangerous for other fishes and fleshy bodies. Although they are very small in size but their sharp teeth make them very dangerous for other living beings, specially when they are hungry.

Where are they found?

They are found in Amazon while some of their species are also found in Wisconsin and Bangladesh. They can be seen in rivers and lakes.

Why are they dangerous?

Although most of the species are 5 to 10 inches in size but they have a number of large, very sharp and triangular teeth. Their strong jaw muscles allow them to bite with the force of as much as 30 times their body weight.

Some interesting facts about Piranha:

  • They are called caribes by Venezuelan natives.
  • Their teeth are so sharp that they can crush meat very easily and a school of Piranhas take just a few minutes to tear of a large fleshy body. Their teeth are also used to make weapons by the locals.
  • Although they are not a big threat to humans but they give a tough time to even humans when they are hungry, so experts always advice if you have any pet piranhas in your aquariums or tanks, always be careful and never try to pet them if they are not fed well.
  • In 1913, US president Theodore Roosevelt witnessed a very terrible incident in Brazil while he went on a hunting expedition on Amazon. According to him, a cow was pushed into the water by a school of hungry piranhas and they are torn out the cow within minutes.
  • According to the experts, piranhas are even dangerous than sharks, because sharks always try to hunt smaller animals and fishes but piranhas attack on larger animals and fishes than themselves.
  • Piranhas are cannibals because if they don’t find meet they can eat other piranhas.
  • There are about 60 species of Piranhas discovered yet. Some of their species are also used for trading purposes and as pets in aquariums.
  • Piranhas are also used as food by the natives around Amazon.

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