
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Restore your blurred photos (very easy)

Restore your blurred photos

Blurry images are universal in our life.
There are many causes for the blur: camera shakes, defocussing, or the rapid movements of the object... Restoration of these defective images is therefore an interesting and important scientific problem.
Here we present SmartDeblur, a user friendly tool with comprehensive features aiming to remove the blurs and recover the details.
With user interaction, SmartDeblur can remove single Motion blur, Gaussian blur, Out of focus blur.
Moreover, with a newly added blind deconvolution module it can automatically identify and recover the images with complicated blur patterns.

SmartDeblur 2.0 beta (Windows), 9 MB - it's free! 


See results using real-world photos with complex kernels (motions).
The kernels were detected fully automatically without any user interactions.
Try SmartDeblur to see how our technology works!

See more on the Examples page


SmartDeblur has easy and user friendly interface with built-in help and examples.
Just load your blurred image and cick on the "Analyze Blur" button - the rest will be done automatically!

In this release we are using freely available libraries.
Because of this the performance is several times slower than our internal version.
With your support we hope to be provide faster and better versions in the future.

download here

How it works?

Looks like magic? No, it's just some interesting mathematics.
This technique is called Blind Deconvolution. Of course the theory is not trivial, but not too hard :)
You can find more information about deconvultion theory and practice on the web-site:
1. Theory. Restoration of defocused and blurred images
2. Practice. Restoration of defocused and blurred images


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